Fitness bug…

Since we’re on the topic of fresh starts and resolutions I thought it would seem fitting to get my body in the same mindset, start getting fit and really look after my body. And since becoming a newly fully fledged Super Saver I have decided to do it all in the cheapest way I can :]

I think the hardest part of committing to working out that I’ve found in the past is finding the motivation. However, this time round I feel as though I have cracked the da vinci code, discovered the last horcrux, unvailed the miracle cure;

Whos with me!?

Working out is never going to be easy alone, so I’v got together with a group of friends and made it something thats fun,social and at times even competitive. In addition to this I think its even more important to make it something you enjoy, I cant stand the usual ‘jog here’ ‘tense this’ ‘lift that’ usual remedy for working out; its too boring, too futile and uninspiring. So my friends and I have have clubbed together and put money towards a Dancing Workout dvd. Throughout it your taught dance moves to popular songs which makes you forget that your even doing exercise in the first place!

What once was felt like an absolute chore has been transformed into a deffinite change of perspective!

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